Special Blocks

Wood Blocks

Wood blocks are solid blocks that you cannot move. Match next to them to break them!


Grass blocks live under normal blocks. Match blocks over top of the grass to cut it! 


Match next to Acorns to collect them for Hefty! 


Typewriters are solid blocks that you cannot move. Match next to Typewriters to get their important documents! 


Cupcakes need Jelly! Jelly Blocks live under normal blocks. Match next to a Jelly Pot to release the Jelly, and then match over top Jelly to collect it. 


Greedy Smurf is back to his old habits: eating Pies all day long! Match next to the Pies to help Greedy eat them, one slice at a time.

Ice Ball Blocks

Gargamel likes to freeze blocks in place with his Ice Balls! Make matches with the iced pieces to unfreeze them. 


Smurfblossom is having a great time chasing around her Ladybug friends! Drop the Ladybugs to the bottom row to collect.


Gargamel used magical Chains to lock certain items on the board. Make matches with the chained pieces to unlock them


Sculptor Smurf is working on his latest work of art. He needs more Smurf Statues for inspiration. Match on top of the Stone Tiles to uncover the hidden Smurf Statues.


Miner is smurfing away at these rocks, to extract all the pure Diamonds! Make matches 3 times next to a rock to collect the Diamond inside.


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