What are Boosters and Bombs?

Boosters and Bombs are consumable items that help you beat levels! 



Jokey's Swapper


Use Jokey's Swapper to interchange any two moveable adjacent pieces.


Handy's Hammer


Use Handy's Hammer and tap on any object to smash it!


Brainy's Scooter


Use Brainy's Scooter to tap on any object to clear its entire row.


Dreamy's Rocketship


Use Dreamy's Rocketship to tap on any object to clear its entire column. 


Spell Book


Use the Spell Book to swap with any moveable tile to remove all instances of that tile off the board! 



Bombs provide explosive help to your game! Double-tap or swap the bomb with a tile to use it. Bombs can also be combined with other bombs. If two bombs are beside each other, match them to see unique and fiery results!

Rocket Bomb


The Rocket Bomb explodes through a column or a row, depending on which way it is facing. Match 4 of the same tile in a row to create a Rocket Bomb.


Petal Bomb


Petal Bombs go to where they are needed! Match 4 tiles in a square to create a Petal Bomb. Petal Bombs automatically gravitate towards your level's objectives so use them often! 


Blast Bomb


The Blast Bomb explodes a large area around itself! Match 5 tiles together either in a line, a T-shape, or an L-shape to make one. 


Heart Bomb


The Heart Bomb is the biggest one of all! Match 7 tiles in a T-shape to create one. Heart Bombs blast in a giant heart-shaped explosion!

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